Tuesday, November 15, 2011

FOC question bank 3

FOC Question Bank

2 mark / 4 marks

1. Lexical elements of c
2. Rules to be followed while declaring a variable in 'c'
3. What are escape sequence. State all escape sequence with its purpose.
4. Define constant. State its type.
5. Different ways of declaring a symbolic constants.
6. Different data types supported by 'c'
7. State the purpose of size of operator . Give its syntax.
8. Define the precedence and associativity of the operators.
9. Differentiate nested if and switch case statements.
10. What do you mean by 'dangling else problem' ?
11. Differentiate break and continue statements.
13. Ruels to be followed in forming an identifier.
14. write a c program for the following program
i) a=5<=8&&6!=5
ii) a=b++ + ++b where b=50

16/8/10 marks

1. Structure of a C program
2. Explain in detail about operators and expressions.
3. Describe the features of different types in 'c'
4. Explain briefly the formatted and unformatted I/O functions in 'c'
5. Explain in detail about branching statements in c with eg.
6. Explain in detail about looping statements in c with eg.
7. programs
a. swapping of 2 numbers (with & without temporary variable)
b. Leap year checking
c. Greatest of 3 nos.
d. Sum of 'n' natural nos.
e. Factorail of a no,
f. Prime no. checking and generation
g. Fibonacci series
h. Armstrong no.
i. sum of squares of first n numbers
j. Pascal trianlge
k. Palindrome checking
l. menu driven calculator

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Lathe machine

For the Mech lab students(3rd batch of today-1/11/2011) 

For the Mech lab students(3rd batch of today-1/11/2011) 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Chemistry notes..!

These are the scanned pics of the chem. questions!

Hey Friends!!

This blog is going to be the official one for our class....
I'll be posting links and other necessary items on this blog everyday!
Be updated! =)